Eszter Molnár


Artpool Art Research Center

She has been working as an assistant museologist at Artpool since 2023, responsible for inventory-related tasks. As a freelance art historian, her current work focuses on Hungarian textile and tapestry art, as well as material-centred trends in contemporary art.

She holds an MA degree in Art History and Hungarian Language, Literature and Culture from Eötvös Lóránd University (ELTE). As a student of the “Literary Modernity” Program of ELTE’s Doctoral School of Literary Studies, she studied the image theory (magical pictoriality) of Hungarian literature and fine arts from the interwar period.

She has been working as a freelance curator since 2008, opening several art exhibitions and publishing regularly. From 2014 to 2022, she taught the history of photography and art at the Álmos Jaschik Secondary School of Art, at Focus Education Centre and Montázs Drawing School.

From 2015 to 2017, she worked at the Petőfi Literary Museum, where she participated in compiling and publishing the digital critical edition of Zsigmond Móricz’s correspondence. From 2018 – first with the support of the National Cultural Fund (NKA), then of the Hungarian Academy of Arts (MMA) – she studied the oeuvres of members of the Association of Hungarian Tapestry Artists (MKE), conducting numerous in-depth interviews with tapestry artists. Additionally, she also authored two monographs on tapestry art (Eszter Kneisz – Networks, 2021 Edit Balogh: Weaving Patterns, 2023). She is currently a professional advisor to the Society of Hungarian Painters, as well as a teacher at the Corvin Drawing School and the Manzart Drawing School.

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