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Artist Archives of the Future

Cooperation with the Andrzej Partum Archives

Within the framework of the collaboration “Artist Archives of the Future”, the Andrzej Partum Archive (managed by Muzeum Sztuki) and Artpool staff are conducting comparative research in one another’s respective archives.

The Andrzej Partum Archive (1938—2002), named after a prominent artist and theorist of the Polish neo-avantgarde, represents the art network of the 1970s and 1980s. Similar to—and in part overlapping with—Artpool, it has a significant collection of mail art, including works by several Hungarian artists (e.g. Sándor Pinczehelyi, László Beke, Gábor Attalai, György Galántai, Gábor Tóth and Dóra Maurer).

The outcome of this collaboration was on view for the general public in November 2024, at the Platán Gallery in Budapest.

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