Dóra Halasi

Archivist, Art Historian

Artpool Art Research Center

She received her MA in Hungarian and Art History from the Faculty of Humanities at Péter Pázmány Catholic University, Piliscsaba. Her thesis examined the connection between dance and visual art in the 70s, which has been marginalized in the history of art. Since 2005 she has been an archivist and art historian at the Artpool Art Research Center, specialising in audio and video archives, the poster collection, and the associated research service. Since 2007 she has been Artpool’s chief photo and video documenter, and has been responsible for archiving media (video and audio digitalization).

Participation in projects:

Krisz-Krasz exhibition and conference (PPKE-BTK, 2004).

Crosstalk Video Art Festival (2008, 2011) – presentations about the video archive of Artpool

LOST, FOUND, MADE at Art Market, Budapest, 28/11/2013 – organizer: 7x8 curatorial conversations.

Artpool: Aktives Archiv zeitgenössischer Kunst in Ungarn (symposium), Bremen (2017)

Art Archives Exchange. Educational Strategies for Contemporary Art Archives – Erasmus+ programme (2018–2021).

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