Eszter Szőnyeg-Szegvári

Museologist (Archive of the Lectorate)

Archive and Documentation Center (ADK)

She earned an MA in Design Theory from the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design (MOME) in 2015. In the same year, she was awarded the Ernő Kállai Art Critic Scholarship, in the framework of which she focused on the exhibition activities and international relations of the Council of Applied Arts (1955-1975). She began to work in the Data Archives of the Museum of Fine Arts – Hungarian National Gallery in 2015. As a museologist at the KEMKI Archive and Documentation Centre (ADK), she is mainly focused on the processing of the archives of the Lectorate of Fine and Applied Arts. Her research interests include the Hungarian art and institutional history of the second half of the 20th century, and more specifically, the public and poster art of the period, as well as industrial design and object culture. 

She is a lecturer at the University of Fine Arts, a professional consultant at Köztérkép, and vice-president of the Hungarian Poster Association.

She publishes regularly in professional journals and online forums on the topics of the 20th-century history of design, poster art and public art.

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