Zsófia Beke

Chief Museologist, Research Services (Archive)

Archive and Documentation Center (ADK)

She graduated from the programs in Art History and Italian Studies of the Faculty of Humanities at Eötvös Lóránd University (ELTE), and received her doctorate degree in 2005. Her dissertation focused on the spatial-theoretical synthesis of painting in the 1990s’ in Hungary.

In 1995-1996, she was an art historian at the Hanság Museum of Mosonmagyaróvár, and between 1995 and 1998, she was a researcher at the Institute for Art History of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. From 1997 she was an art historian at the Municipal Art Museum of Győr, and from 1999 a curator at the Platán Gallery of the Polish Institute in Budapest. In 1999, she was awarded the Ernő Kállai Art History and Art Critic Scholarship. From 2012 she headed the Department of Art and Physical Education at the Apor Vilmos Catholic College in Vác, and in 2018 she became the professional leader of the Diocesan Museum of Vác. In 2021, she became a museologist of the Zsuzsanna Erdélyi Collection (Christian Museum, Esztergom). She has been working at KEMKI-ADK since 2023.


Since 1994, she has been published in the periodicals Új Művészet, Műértő and Balkon, as well as in exhibition catalogues. She has frequented artists’ colonies and edited publications.

Her fields of specialisation include art theory, the theories of space and perception, and crossovers between the image and three-dimensional space.

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