What Would if…documenta?

Talk series "Hungarian artists at the documenta from Vasarely to OFF-Biennale"

2022.01.20. 14:33 - 01.26. 23:59
  • Time: 26th January 2022 18:00
  • Venue: online
  • Registration: link

As part of the talk series Hungarian artists at the documenta from Vasarely to OFF-Biennale, today at 6PM Andrea Pócsik cultural researcher will talk with the director of the Kassel Documenta Archive, Birgitta Coers and with the head of Artpool Art Research Center, Emese Kürti about the role of archives, including how archives contribute to a critical approach of today’s knowledge production. (The talk will be in German and in Hungarian.)

More information on Goethe Institute's website.

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