Ieva Astahovska, art scholar, critic and curator (Latvian Centre for Contemporary Art, Riga, Latvia) Christian Nae, art historian and curator (George Enescu National University of Arts, Iași, Romania) After the invited contributors share their review of the book, a panel discussion will follow with the editors, Emese Kürti and Zsuzsa László, and a number of authors, among others, Judit Bodor-Roddy Hunter, Lina Džuverović, Karolina Majewska-Güde, Kristine Stiles, and Tomasz Załuski moderated by Sophie Hope (BIRMAC).
The event is organised by Artpool Art Research Center and BIRMAC, Interdisciplinary Research in Media and Culture at Birkbeck, London
The open-acces electronic version of the book can be accessed here.