CFP: What Is to Be Done?

Methodological Challenges to Art Historical Research in Central and Eastern Europe

October 12-13, 2023, George Enescu National University of the Arts, Iasi
#call for papers 2023.06.07.

The conference organizers welcome proposals which reevaluate art historical methodologies employed in the region so far and address urgent research topics, methodologies, and challenges to the discipline as a result of the transformations outlined above.

We welcome contributions for the following panel topics, covering the period from 1945 to the present:

- Revisiting socialist art: state-supported institutions, exhibitions, and global networks.

- Interconnectedness and mobility: artists' networks, circulation, transference, and exchange.

- Social art history in a socialist context: Marxism, anti-politics and artistic labor.

- Critical art history today: race, gender and decoloniality in Eastern Europe.

- Curating and other forms of collective art historical engagement.

If you are interested to participate in the conference please send a 300 words proposal (including a title and an abstract of your presentation) in relation to one of the panel topics proposed above, accompanied by a brief CV of no more than 200 words to:

To leave ample time for discussions, we encourage presentation proposals of no more than 20 minutes.

The deadline for submitting presentation proposals is June 26, 2023.

Partners: The Academy of Fine Arts - AVU Prague, Museum of Fine Arts - Central European Institute for Art History, KEMKI, Budapest, The University of Łódź



Jérôme Bazin, University of Paris-Est Créteil

Edit András, The Institute of Art History of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences/Central European University, Budapest


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