
8 result(s) for ‘avantgárd’
    Organising the Spectacle: Research on the Avantgarde

    Organising the Spectacle: Research on the Avantgarde

    Project leader: Magdolna Gucsa, Eszter Őze Our research on the avantgarde examines the media, institutional changes and series of events that characterised the period in the context late 19 th -early 20 th century social movements and mass culture. It goes beyond the aesthetic interpretations of art and approaches it through its social embeddedness and international framework, in line with …

    Emese Kürti

    Emese Kürti

    Deputy Director for Research, Head of Department, Art Historian From 2018 to 2021, she was a researcher at the Artpool Art Research Center, then Head of Department from 2021 to 2022. She is currently Head of the Department of Research and Deputy Director of Research at the Central European Research Institute for Art History (KEMKI). Previously, she was a lecturer at the Hungarian University of …

    Petra Csizek

    Petra Csizek

    Project Manager Studied art history in the Faculty of Humanities at Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), and is currently studying at the University of Pécs. She has worked as a cultural manager, curator and programme organiser, participating in the creation and organisation of numerous exhibitions, professional programmes, public events, international projects and art prizes, as well as art …

    Artist Archives of the Future

    Artist Archives of the Future

    Cooperation with the Andrzej Partum Archives Within the framework of the collaboration “Artist Archives of the Future”, the Andrzej Partum Archive (managed by Muzeum Sztuki) and Artpool staff are conducting comparative research in one another’s respective archives. The Andrzej Partum Archive (1938 - 2002), named after a prominent artist and theorist of the Polish neo-avantgarde, …

    Viktor Kotun

    Viktor Kotun

    Archivist He graduated from the Media Theory Program of Eötvös Lóránd University in 2008. He defended his DLA thesis at the Doctoral School of the Hungarian University of Fine Arts in 2012. His dissertation focused on the reconstruction of neo-avantgarde works. He has been working as an archivist at Artpool since 2008. He specialises in the management and processing of artist’s books …

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