
9 result(s) for ‘avantgard’
    Organising the Spectacle: Research on the Avantgarde

    Organising the Spectacle: Research on the Avantgarde

    Project leader: Magdolna Gucsa, Eszter Őze Our research on the avantgarde examines the media, institutional changes and series of events that characterised the period in the context late 19 th -early 20 th century social movements and mass culture. It goes beyond the aesthetic interpretations of art and approaches it through its social embeddedness and international framework, in line with methods and inquiries from the interdisciplinary crossovers of …

    Viktor Kotun

    Viktor Kotun

    … Hungarian University of Fine Arts in 2012. His dissertation focused on the reconstruction of neo-avantgarde works. He has been working as an archivist at Artpool since 2008. He specialises in the management and processing of artist’s books and mail art-related collections. He is in charge of Artpool's Mail Art Chro-No-Logy project.

    Emese Kürti

    Emese Kürti

    … international research network. Her research interests include Hungarian and Yugoslavian neo-avantgarde art (fluxus, conceptual art, experimental poetry and performance, as well as the issues of minority collectives and women’s positions). She received her doctorate in Film Studies from the ELTE Institute for Art Theory and Media Studies; her dissertation was published by L’Harmattan in 2018 ( Glissando and Plucking the Strings: Contemporary Music and Neo-avantgarde Art in Private …

    Petra Csizek

    Petra Csizek

    … ( Parallel Avant-garde – The Pécs Workshop 1968-80 ; Bosch+Bosch Group and the Vojvodina Neo-avantgarde Movement ). Her curatorial interests have also focused on the relationship between contemporary art and public spaces, as well as explorations of possibilities for cooperation and the examination of current social problems ( Winterreise, Budapest Gallery, 2022; Slow Life – Radical Practices of the Everyday, Ludwig Museum, 2020; Simple Majority // No One Belongs Here More Than You …

    Artist Archives of the Future

    Artist Archives of the Future

    … Partum Archive (1938 - 2002), named after a prominent artist and theorist of the Polish neo-avantgarde, represents the art network of the 1970s and 1980s. Similarly to – and in part overlapping with – Artpool, it has a significant collection of mail art, including works by several Hungarian artists (e.g. Sándor Pinczehelyi, László Beke, Gábor Attalai, György Galántai, Gábor Tóth and Dóra Maurer). The outcome of this collaboration will be on view for the general public …

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