
54 result(s) for ‘collection’


    Language Games, selection from the Artpool collection - exhibition

    Eszter Békefi

    Eszter Békefi

    … and manager of the Archive of 19th and 20th Century Art, principally for Our House corpus, a collection of the documentation of the Hungarian National Gallery’s scientific work. Her fields of research are mid-19th century painting and the history of Hungarian art collecting, especially before World War 2. In 2009 she was one of the curators of the exhibition József Borsos, Painter and Photographer. List of publications

    Dóra Halasi

    Dóra Halasi

    … historian at the Artpool Art Research Center, specialising in audio and video archives, the poster collection, and the associated research service. Since 2007 she has been Artpool’s chief photo and video documenter, and has been responsible for archiving media (video and audio digitalization). Participation in projects: Krisz-Krasz exhibition and conference (PPKE-BTK, 2004). Crosstalk Video Art Festival (2008, 2011 ) – presentations about the video archive of Artpool LOST, …

    Viktor Kotun

    Viktor Kotun

    … 2008. He specialises in the management and processing of artist’s books and mail art-related collections. He is in charge of Artpool's Mail Art Chro-No-Logy project.

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