
12 result(s) for ‘correspondence’
    The Correspondence of József Rippl-Rónai

    The Correspondence of József Rippl-Rónai

    Primary source publications The publication of the correspondence of József Rippl-Rónai (1861-1927) is a long-standing debt of Hungarian art history. This publication of great academic importance, long awaited by those interested in modern Hungarian art, is prepared by KEMKI ADK in collaboration with renowned Rippl-Rónai experts. Our aim is to compile an exhaustive collection and publish every letter ever written by and to Rippl-Rónai. Our …

    Eszter Molnár

    Eszter Molnár

    … she participated in compiling and publishing the digital critical edition of Zsigmond Móricz’s correspondence. From 2018 – first with the support of the National Cultural Fund (NKA), then of the Hungarian Academy of Arts (MMA) – she studied the oeuvres of members of the Association of Hungarian Tapestry Artists (MKE), conducting numerous in-depth interviews with tapestry artists. Additionally, she also authored two monographs on tapestry art ( Eszter Kneisz – Networks , 2021 …

    Mail Art Chro-No-Logy

    Mail Art Chro-No-Logy

    … the Artpool website, organised by year, starting in 1962 (when Ray Johnson founded the New York Correspondence School). As part of the research, a collection of texts on mail art has also been published. Additionally, the project has had a rather notable impact in terms of collection expansion as well: since its launch, several artists who have been actively engaged – both creatively and organisationally – in the field of correspondence art, have made significant donations to …



    … archival materials. We investigate sources only available in local languages and archives: postal correspondence between various cultural actors, personal archives reflecting formal and informal networks, documents of both self-organized and official-diplomatic exchanges, art events, and artistic collaborations. For more details visit: Past events: Sešit/Notebook for Art, Theory and Related Zones issue dedicated to the Resonances project …

    Réka Pálinkás

    Réka Pálinkás

    … the HNG, and is currently one of the editors of the forthcoming volume of József Rippl-Rónai’s correspondence.

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