experimental art

9 result(s) for ‘experimental art’
    Emese Kürti

    Emese Kürti

    Deputy Director for Research, Head of Department, Art Historian From 2018 to 2021, she was a researcher at the Artpool Art Research Center, then Head of Department from 2021 to 2022. She is currently Head of the Department of Research and Deputy Director of Research at the Central European Research Institute for Art History (KEMKI). Previously, she was a lecturer at the Hungarian University of Fine Arts and Central European University …

    Cold War Modernisms

    Cold War Modernisms

    … stamp designs and illustrations, and also receiving commissions for fairground and monumental art projects. Based on the artist’s estate, which has been preserved and looked after by his heirs, beyond this well known image of the graphic idol, a much more nuanced picture emerges of the artist’s activities. György Konecsni’s experimentally spirited oeuvre, encompassing a wide variety of genres and techniques – and a new understanding of the artist himself, who struggled …

    TÓTalJOY Prize

    TÓTalJOY Prize

    Project leader: Brigitta Ádi Visual artist Endre Tót, founder and supporter of the TÓTalJOY Prize, had long been planning to create a form of support for contemporary Hungarian artists. The prize derives its name from Endre Tót’s conceptual program centred on the notion of joy, which was launched in the 1970s. His early joy pieces and the actions of the TÓTalJOY series are considered among the most important works …

    Years of transition: the 1980s in Hungary and Eastern Europe

    Years of transition: the 1980s in Hungary and Eastern Europe

    Project leader: Júliusz Huth, Kristóf Nagy The aim of the Research Department’s research on the 1980s is a comprehensive examination of the decade’s visual arts in Hungary, taking into account cultural and economic policy-related aspects, as well as international contexts and connections. The research focuses on studying the transformation of the system of art institutions, the major art-related debates and critical discourses of the decade, the emergence of …

    Anna Szirmai

    Anna Szirmai

    Researcher From 2016 to 2018, Anna Szirmai worked at the Artpool Art Research Center. As of 2023, she is a researcher in the Research Department of the Central European Research Institute for Art History. In 2020, she received her PhD from the Doctoral School of Literary Studies, Faculty of Humanities, Eötvös Lóránd University. In her dissertation, she discussed experimental trends in Italian poetry in the 1960s and 1970s. Presently, her …

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