
4 result(s) for ‘kiállítás’
    ALBERT Ádám: My Appropriations (Dezső Tandori), 2022

    ALBERT Ádám: My Appropriations (Dezső Tandori), 2022

    … [2] Dezső Tandori: no title. In Hérakleitosz H-ban. Tandori Dezső kiállítás a Hatvany Lajos Múzeumban 1981 [Heraclitus in H: Dezső Tandori’s Exhibition at the Lajos Hatvany Museum, 1981], Hatvani Lajos Múzeum fűzetei No 9, edited by Ákos Kovács, Hatvan, 1981, 7. [3] Korniss Dezső kiállítása, Magyar Nemzeti Galéria, Budapest, 1980. március – május [Exhibition of Dezső Korniss, Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest, March – May …

    ALBERT Ádám: My Appropriations (József Rippl-Rónai), 2022

    ALBERT Ádám: My Appropriations (József Rippl-Rónai), 2022

    … in the catalogue of Rippl-Rónai’s 1998 oeuvre exhibition ( Rippl-Rónai József gyűjteményes kiállítása [Oeuvre Exhibition of József Rippl-Rónai]. Ed. Ildikó Nagy, Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest, 1998, 91-111; 464–483); and János Horváth: Rippl-Rónai József iparművészeti munkássága, az Andrássy-ebédlő [József Rippl-Rónai’s Works of Applied Art: The Andrássy Dining Room]. Rippl-Rónai Museum, Kaposvár, 2013, URL:; see …

    GRÓF Ferenc: Somewhere between 0 and 1 (Hungarian National Painting Grey), 2016–2023

    GRÓF Ferenc: Somewhere between 0 and 1 (Hungarian National Painting Grey), 2016–2023

    enamel panel, 85 x 100 cm The grid structure seen on the enamel panel is formed by a circulating, undulating transitional pattern of forms morphing between 0 and 1. The resulting shapes are at times angular, or, in other instances, tapering or rounded, but never quite taking on the full form of those two numbers. The work is directly connected to the face of the sundial presented at the …

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