
115 result(s) for ‘research’
    Júlia Klaniczay

    Júlia Klaniczay

    … Artpool (with artist György Galántai in 1979), and from 1992 till 2020 director of Artpool Art Research Center, operating till 2015 as an NGO and since 2015 as a department of the Museum of Fine Arts in Budapest. From 1977 to 1992 editor responsible of Akadémiai Kiadó, the publishing house of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and from the beginnings till 2020 leader of Artpool's archives and editor in chief of all Artpool's publications: samizdats magazines, books, printed or online; …

    Dóra Halasi

    Dóra Halasi

    … in the history of art. Since 2005 she has been an archivist and art historian at the Artpool Art Research Center, specialising in audio and video archives, the poster collection, and the associated research service. Since 2007 she has been Artpool’s chief photo and video documenter, and has been responsible for archiving media (video and audio digitalization). Participation in projects: Krisz-Krasz exhibition and conference (PPKE-BTK, 2004). Crosstalk Video Art Festival (2008, …

    Klaudia Varga

    Klaudia Varga

    … Faculty of Arts. Since 2017, she has been working as a digitiser at the Artpool Art Research Center.

    Éva Bárdits

    Éva Bárdits

    … is managing the collection’s inventory. Her main areas of interest include critical cultural research and underground-DIY cultural practices.

    Zsuzsa László

    Zsuzsa László

    Project Leader, Curator She is in charge for the long-run research project Resonances: Regional and Transregional Artistic Transfers realized in international cooperation  at the Research Department. She is writing her dissertation on the development and critique of the notion of Eastern European art at the Doctoral School of Art Throry at ELTE-BTK. She is a member of the editorial team of ArtMargins Online, the board of, the NEP4Dissent …

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