
113 result(s) for ‘research’
    Art during the Cold War

    Art during the Cold War

    Project leader: Daniel Véri   This comprehensive research project examines the role of fine arts in the context of the Cold War in the postwar period between 1945 and 1975. The projects within this programme take an interdisciplinary approach, at the intersection of art history, exhibition history, and cultural diplomacy (soft power), in order to illuminate the artistic nodes of bilateral and regional international relations and to examine …

    Gabriella Schuller

    Gabriella Schuller

    Archivist, Theatre Historian, Researcher She has been a member of Artpool since 2016. Her main fields of interest are the countercultural phenomena of the Kádár era, theatre- and performance history, and theoretical problems thereof. Between 2000 and 2016, she was a lecturer at the University of Pécs, the University of Pannonia (formerly University of Veszprém) and the Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church …

    Explore the Archives

    Explore the Archives

    Research Inquiry_ENG (Research_Permission_ENG.docx)

    GRÓF Ferenc  – GYENES Zsófia: (Dis)organigram – State Gallery Company, 2022

    GRÓF Ferenc – GYENES Zsófia: (Dis)organigram – State Gallery Company, 2022

    130 x 190 cm, hand-stitched carpet After the Hungarian private sector and retail trade were brought under state ownership between 1948 and 1950, the commercial trade of contemporary artworks also came under state control. In 1952, for the purposes of selling the works of its contemporary artist members, the Art Fund of the Hungarian People’s Republic established the Gallery Company …

    GRÓF Ferenc  – GYENES Zsófia:  (Dis)organigram – Studio of Young Artists, 2022

    GRÓF Ferenc – GYENES Zsófia: (Dis)organigram – Studio of Young Artists, 2022

    130 x 190 cm, hand-stitched carpet The Studio of Young Artists (Fiatal Képzőművészek Stúdiója, FKS) was established in 1958 as a successor organisation to the Young Artists’ Creative Society, which had only existed for four years previously (1954–1958). The Studio’s aim was to support freshly graduated visual artists and to help them start their careers. By the 1960s, the …

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