
113 result(s) for ‘research’
    Péter Korniss Archive

    Péter Korniss Archive

    Photo history research In 2020 and 2023, Péter Korniss, one of the most influential figures in Hungarian photography, donated 63,000 items from his archives to the Central European Research Institute for Art History. The oeuvre of Korniss, who was the first photographer ever to be awarded the Kossuth Prize, focuses mainly on documenting the disappearing traditional peasant life and culture of Eastern …

    Zsófia Beke

    Zsófia Beke

    Chief Museologist, Research Services (Archive) She graduated from the programs in Art History and Italian Studies of the Faculty of Humanities at Eötvös Lóránd University (ELTE), and received her doctorate degree in 2005. Her dissertation focused on the spatial-theoretical synthesis of painting in the 1990s’ in Hungary. In 1995-1996, she was an art historian at the Hanság Museum of Mosonmagyaróvár, and …

    Anna Szirmai

    Anna Szirmai

    Researcher From 2016 to 2018, Anna Szirmai worked at the Artpool Art Research Center. As of 2023, she is a researcher in the Research Department of the Central European Research Institute for Art History. In 2020, she received her PhD from the Doctoral School of Literary Studies, Faculty of Humanities, Eötvös Lóránd University. In her dissertation, she discussed experimental trends …

    Brigitta Ádi

    Brigitta Ádi

    Research Assistant She graduated in 2020 from the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design with a BA in Design Culture. She subsequently received her MA in Design Theory with a specialisation in curatorial studies. Her focus is on research-based art, and the intersecting frontiers of public space, art and design. She is a research assistant in KEMKI’s Research Department; her main tasks …

    Júlia Klaniczay

    Júlia Klaniczay

    … Artpool (with artist György Galántai in 1979), and from 1992 till 2020 director of Artpool Art Research Center, operating till 2015 as an NGO and since 2015 as a department of the Museum of Fine Arts in Budapest. From 1977 to 1992 editor responsible of Akadémiai Kiadó, the publishing house of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and from the beginnings till 2020 leader of Artpool's archives and editor in chief of all Artpool's publications: samizdats magazines, books, printed or online; …

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