… from Endre Tót’s conceptual program centred on the notion of joy, which was launched in the 1970s. His early joy pieces and the actions of the TÓTalJOY series are considered among the most important works representing the narrative of Eastern European conceptual art. The TÓTalJOY Prize aims to provide financial and institutional support to Hungarian contemporary artists whose practice is research-oriented. Entries to the annually announced open call are expected from contemporary …
… "Artists are like seismographs foreseeing future tectonic movements. In the same decade, the 1970s, unusual institutions were established both in Budapest and Warsaw: Artpool by György Galántai and Júlia Klaniczay, and Andrzej Partum’s Poetry Bureau. It was clear to everyone that something extraordinary was happening. Even if only because any disobedience invited the disapproval of the authorities, and bureaus and archives were the domain of the state. Over time, the artistic …
… read about Syrian women's periodicals from the 1920s, the “unofficial” art magazines of the 1970s, and – in an essay authored by our colleague Magdolna Gucsa – about a German-language anti-Nazi newspaper, with Emil Szittya as its editor. This special issue is available at the following link: https://openjournals.ugent.be/jeps/issue/25780/info /
… Dávid Fehér: Hungarian Artists Encountering the International Art Market in the 1960s–1970s and after the Fall of the Iron Curtain: How Did the Market Structure Artistic Career Paths? Luise Mahler: In War and Peace: Kahnweiler’s Picture Trade, ca. 1919–1949 Dorotea Petrucci: To Show Beauty of Art in Trade’: Commercialising Italy’s Decorative and Industrial Arts in the Inter-War Years Blair Brooks: Kunst in Kalifornien: Heinz Berggruen and European …
… Regional Resonances: In Search of the Transnational in Central Eastern European Art of the 1970s present an interconnected history of previously unexplored cross-border collaborations and friendships. The second part of this special issue, with essays by Emese Kürti, Cristian Nae and Małgorzata Miśniakewicz, will come out in the first half of 2025 in ArtMargins Print published by MIT Press. Link to the Special Issue: https://artmargins.com/regional-resonances/ …