Rita Süveges

11 result(s) for ‘Rita Süveges’
    Időjárás-manipulálás,  klímaszörnyek és ökokritika

    Időjárás-manipulálás, klímaszörnyek és ökokritika

    Guided Tour by Annamária Hódosy and Rita Süveges Rita Süveges, visual artist and winner of the 2023 TÓTalJOY Prize, has long been engaged in exploring the cultural, technological and ethical aspects of the ecological crisis. Her exhibition explores the lessons learned from past efforts to change the weather and climate. Through the ages, human communities have employed a variety of means in an attempt to positively influence …

    Időjárás-jelenés / Süveges Rita tárlatvezetése

    Időjárás-jelenés / Süveges Rita tárlatvezetése

    Rita Süveges, visual artist and winner of the 2023 TÓTalJOY Prize, has long been engaged in exploring the cultural, technological and ethical aspects of the ecological crisis. Her exhibition explores the lessons learned from past efforts to change the weather and climate. Through the ages, human communities have employed a variety of means in an attempt to positively influence weather-related …

    #TÓTalJOY #Rita Süveges #exhibition lecture 2024.10.25.
    Időjárás-jelenés. Varázslástól a geomérnökségig

    Időjárás-jelenés. Varázslástól a geomérnökségig

    The exhibition presents the research-based art project of Rita Süveges, winner of the 2023 TÓTalJOY Prize. Rita Süveges artist, winner of the 2023 TÓTalJOY Prize, has long been investigating the cultural, technological, and ethical aspects of the ecological crisis.  In her exhibition she explores the lessons of previous endeavours to modify the weather and climate. Throughout history, humans have sought, by various means, to influence the …

    #TÓTalJOY #Rita Süveges temporary exhibition 2024.10.04. - 11.17.
    TÓTalJOY díjátadó 2023/ Süveges Rita

    TÓTalJOY díjátadó 2023/ Süveges Rita

    … prize of €10 000, is open to artists with research-based art projects. This year's winner is Rita Süveges, who will give a short presentation of her project plan for the TÓTalJOY Prize, entitled Shout to the Cloud! , after the award ceremony. The founder of the prize, the artist Endre Tót, who has been living in Germany since the late 1970s, has long been planning to create a form of support for the contemporary art scene. KEMKI, which has maintained a good relationship with the …

    lecture 2023.05.24. 18:00 - 20:00
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