
12 result(s) for ‘correspondence’
    Dokumentumanalízis / tárgyformálás

    Dokumentumanalízis / tárgyformálás

    … and the individual transcripts of the details, visual elements, lines of images/poems of correspondence between Dezső Tandori and Dezső Korniss. The thematic unit of the enamel paintings on the second floor (by Albert Ádám, Gróf Ferenc) operates pictographs and concepts, cartographic elements, and typographical solutions "interpreted" from a historical and institutional context. The latter works were created at the enamelware factory in Bonyhád, which executed many public …

    #research based art 2023.02.24. 17:00 - 19:00
    Rippl-Rónai, Egry, Csontváry

    Rippl-Rónai, Egry, Csontváry

    Workshop-conference on the planned primary source publications of the KEMKI ADK A conference organised by the Museum of Fine Arts – Archive and Documentation Centre (ADK) of the Central European Research Institute for Art History (KEMKI). Purpose and syllabus of the conference: Presentation of the MFA – KEMKI ADK and the primary source publication series Methodological issues …

    #primary source publication #correspondence conference 2022.03.24. 10:00 - 17:00
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