… and open debates as the 1980s. The anthology Kiállítások és kritikák [Exhibitions and Criticism], edited by Júliusz Huth and Kristóf Nagy and published by the Central European Research Institute for Art History (KEMKI), offers a comprehensive exploration of this era. Featuring over fifty essays, reflections and reviews originally published during the 1980s, alongside a new, comprehensive study on the art criticism of the decade, the volume delves into the art discourses of …
… Annamária Hódosy will participate in the discussion as an invited guest. Beyond literary ecocriticism, her special interest lies in ecocriticism aimed at the world of film and visual culture. In her research, she primarily explores how ideas related to nature and climate change show up in popular culture (such as the media, entertainment literature and mass cinema), what rhetorical messages are conveyed through these channels, and how these influence people’s thinking. …
… Anti-Modernist Concepts to Marxist Theory: Conceptualising the Art of the Emigré in Interwar Art Criticism 10.40–12.00 Salvatore Annadea, Fondazione Ambron, Florence: “I Like the English so Much, as if They Were My Relatives”: Kokoschka’s Exile in London in 1938 12.00–12.20 Juliette Milbach, EHESS, Paris: Louis Lozowick’s Stay in Berlin (1920) 12.20–12.40 Discussion 12.40–14.00 Lunch at the Museum of Fine Arts 14.00 -14.20 Coffee break at KEMKI …
KEMKI Open Lectures III. The beauty queen election was intertwined with a cigarette advertising business involving Austrian and German companies, as well as unclear legal issues, nude photos of beauty queen candidates sold to Western European erotic magazines and a likewise disrobed sculpture of Csilla Molnár. In other words, in Hungary, the first “product” to be marketed with state …