… graphic designer, edited by Katalin Bakos and Eszter Szőnyeg-Szegvári. "György Konecsni’s art is characterised by a diversity of styles and forms. He is known by many as a poster artist and a pioneer of modern Hungarian applied graphics, and by others as the co-creator of one of the most cited works of historicist socialist realism, Before the Storm (1951). Beyond exploring Konecsni’s body of works from new perspectives, the authors of this new volume published by the Central …
Open daily: 12:00 – 20:00 Simultaneous concert daily from 18:00 Contributing artists: Arnold Dreyblatt, György Galántai, Zsolt Sőrés and Jeremy Woodruff. Further contributors to the simultaneous concerts: Péter Barta, Lora Lorina Bóna, Dóra Csernátony, Sophie Horvath, Ágoston Janesch, Péter Janesch, Júlia Koffler, Bence Kovács, Milosevic Goran, Katica Nagy, Kálmán Oláh, Albert Orgon, Zsuzsanna Rebeka Pál, Zofia Polak, Róza Politzer, Károly Puka, Pál …
The TÓTalJOY Prize was established by the Museum of Fine Art’s Central European Research Institute for Art History (KEMKI), with the generous support of Endre Tót. In 2021, a project by Tamás Kaszás was selected as the winning entry by the six-member Hungarian and international jury. Applications that reflected on changing cultural contexts and contemporary dilemmas in relation to the archives and ethos of the KEMKI - Artpool Art Research …
Endre Tót and the Museum of Fine Arts – Central European Research Institute for Art History (KEMKI) announced a call for research-based art projects for the first time in July this year, to which 27 project proposals were submitted. Endre Tót and the Central European Research Institute for Art History (KEMKI) – Artpool Art Research Center announced a new open call for projects based on artistic research in July this year …