female body

3 result(s) for ‘female body’
    Pátosz és/vagy kritika? A női test politikai és művészeti instrumentalizálása

    Pátosz és/vagy kritika? A női test politikai és művészeti instrumentalizálása

    … “product” to be marketed with state backing in the period before the regime change was the female body, not independently of the objectives of party politics. In her lecture, Ágnes Eperjesi discusses the ways in which the transformation of mass culture, triggered by the period’s changing regulations in Hungary, became embedded in visual arts. More information here. Facebook event here. Photo: András Dér, 1987.

    #open lecture #female body presentation 2022.06.08. 18:00 - 20:00
    Zsidó hitközség és gyógyítás

    Zsidó hitközség és gyógyítás

    … 20 th century was linked to disciplinary measures, the regulation of labour and control over the body. How can we explore the instrumentalisation of the female body in the scope of a beauty pageant in the context of the history of mentalities, art and politics? What can we understand about the functioning of psychiatry in the period of state socialism based on police and secret service evidence and interior affairs? In the first lecture of the Open Lectures, Dr. Zsuzsanna Toronyi …

    #open lecture #social history presentation 2022.04.27. 18:00 - 19:30
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