
20 result(s) for ‘lecture’
    Az 1980-as évek alternatív művészetének ellentmondásai

    Az 1980-as évek alternatív művészetének ellentmondásai

    Lecture of Katja Praznik, Slovenian cultural researcher The recently published volume Art Work: Invisible Labour and the Legacy of Yugoslav Socialism (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2021) by Katja Praznik, a Slovenian cultural researcher at the University at Buffalo’s Arts Management Program, opens up a new perspective on the study of Eastern European art in the 1980s. Praznik argues …

    #conference #the 80s conference 2022.06.14. 18:00 - 20:00
    Pátosz és/vagy kritika? A női test politikai és művészeti instrumentalizálása

    Pátosz és/vagy kritika? A női test politikai és művészeti instrumentalizálása

    KEMKI Open Lectures III. The beauty queen election was intertwined with a cigarette advertising business involving Austrian and German companies, as well as unclear legal issues, nude photos of beauty queen candidates sold to Western European erotic magazines and a likewise disrobed sculpture of Csilla Molnár.  In other words, in Hungary, the first “product” to be marketed with state backing in …

    #open lecture #female body presentation 2022.06.08. 18:00 - 20:00
    A bomlás virágai – Az 1980-as évek magyarországi művészete

    A bomlás virágai – Az 1980-as évek magyarországi művészete

    … revision in the light of the latest perspectives and knowledge. Péter György’s plenary lecture will be followed by 15 scholarly presentations. The presentations will cover a wide range of issues that shaped Hungarian art in the 1980s from the period’s avant-garde art to the system of state cultural institutions, including queer, political and postmodern movements.

    #conference #the 80s conference 2022.05.31. 14:00 - 06.01. 18:00
    „Célszerű lenne, ha minden pszichológus a saját elmeállapotával foglalkozna”

    „Célszerű lenne, ha minden pszichológus a saját elmeállapotával foglalkozna”

    KEMKI Open Lectures II. In the second lecture of the KEMKI Free University, Zsolt K. Horváth (social historian, METU) will present the rhetoric of citizens’ and agents’ reports between 1948 and 1975 based on two psychological case studies. The quotation in the title comes from a woman psychologist who was herself a patient at the Hungarian National Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology from 1928 …

    #lecture #social history presentation 2022.05.25. 18:00 - 19:30
    Zsidó hitközség és gyógyítás

    Zsidó hitközség és gyógyítás

    KEMKI Open Lectures I. The Central European Research Institute for Art History (KEMKI) is launching a six-part series of free university lectures from spring 2022 to autumn 2022 related to the history of the building that houses the institute. The first Israelite hospital of Pest moved in 1889 to the plot enclosed by Szabolcs Street – Dózsa György Road – Nyugati Railway Station. At the beginning …

    #open lecture #social history presentation 2022.04.27. 18:00 - 19:30
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