Call for proposal Endre Tót and the Central European Research Institute for Art History (KEMKI) established the TÓTalJOY prize for contemporary artists in 2021. The prize derives its name from Endre Tót’s conceptual program centred on the notion of joy, which was launched in the 1970s. His early joy pieces and the actions of the TÓTalJOY series are considered among the most important works representing the narrative of Eastern European …
The motivations for the relocation of Central and Eastern European visual artists to urban centres in the interwar period often followed patterns: those with formal art training included travel as part of their curriculum, financed by various funds or grants; changes in political regimes forced others to leave their home countries for shorter or longer periods; and most enjoyed the help of personal, professional or political networks while abroad. In addition to …
We are happy to announce that the latest issue of Sešit/Notebook for Art, Theory and Related Zones, the periodical of AVU Research Centre in Prague dedicated to the Resonances project just came out! It comprises articles by Katalin Cseh-Varga, Tomasz Załuski, Gabriela Świtek, Dagmar Svatošová, and Cristian Nae, which are based on the papers presented at the Resonances conferences as well as the editorial by Pavlína Morganová, Marianna Placáková, and …
Workshop - Call for Papers Although art market studies as an academic field has become increasingly popular in the last decade, there has been little research that critically examines the actors, places, rules, and structures of this system. This workshop aims to explore the infrastructures through which artworks have been produced and exchanged for goods, money, services, and reputation since 1900. Our focus is not only on the …
Open call. The Central European Research Institute for the History of Art (KEMKI) is organising a workshop for art history and art theory students. The workshop aims to introduce young professionals to the methodology of art history and art theory research and the practical challenges of research-based work. Following the participants will jointly create an imaginary project (exhibition, event, research) based on their research …