social history

14 result(s) for ‘social history’
    Hogyan terjedt el a kortárs művészet Kelet-Európában?

    Hogyan terjedt el a kortárs művészet Kelet-Európában?

    Webinar How did contemporary art and the postsocialist transition come together? How did artistic trends relate to the political-economic transformations in the Eastern Bloc? This webinar aims to answer these questions by placing Octavian Esanu’s new volume, The postsocialist contemporary, into the focus. By discussing Esanu’s account of the role of the Soros Centers for Contemporary Art, which mushroomed in the ex-socialist countries …

    #webinar #Octavian Esanu presentation 2022.11.02. 17:00
    10. ESPRit-konferencia és doktorandusz műhelykonferencia

    10. ESPRit-konferencia és doktorandusz műhelykonferencia

    … to focus on the following theme: Periodicals beyond Hierarchies: Challenging Geopolitical and Social “Centres” and “Peripheries” through the Press. Date: 7–9 September 2022 Venue: Museum of Fine Arts – Central European Research Institute for Art History (KEMKI) – Artpool Art Research Center, Budapest and online (Zoom) Conference programme and abstracts are available here. Registration for offline and online participants is open until 15 July here.  …

    #conference #ESPRit conference 2022.09.07. 09:00 - 09.09. 20:00
    „Célszerű lenne, ha minden pszichológus a saját elmeállapotával foglalkozna”

    „Célszerű lenne, ha minden pszichológus a saját elmeállapotával foglalkozna”

    KEMKI Open Lectures II. In the second lecture of the KEMKI Free University, Zsolt K. Horváth (social historian, METU) will present the rhetoric of citizens’ and agents’ reports between 1948 and 1975 based on two psychological case studies. The quotation in the title comes from a woman psychologist who was herself a patient at the Hungarian National Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology from 1928 with “paranoid schizophrenia”. While working on a book about the typical …

    #lecture #social history presentation 2022.05.25. 18:00 - 19:30
    Zsidó hitközség és gyógyítás

    Zsidó hitközség és gyógyítás

    KEMKI Open Lectures I. The Central European Research Institute for Art History (KEMKI) is launching a six-part series of free university lectures from spring 2022 to autumn 2022 related to the history of the building that houses the institute. The first Israelite hospital of Pest moved in 1889 to the plot enclosed by Szabolcs Street – Dózsa György Road – Nyugati Railway Station. At the beginning of the 20 th century, the complex was annexed with the Alice …

    #open lecture #social history presentation 2022.04.27. 18:00 - 19:30
    Periodicals beyond Hierarchies

    Periodicals beyond Hierarchies

    Challenging Geopolitical and Social “Centres” and “Peripheries” through the Press – Call for Papers 10th International ESPRit Conference 10th International ESPRit Conference  For the first time in East-Central Europe, the European Society for Periodical Research (ESPRit) convenes its 2022 (10th) international conference in Budapest, Hungary, to focus on the following theme: Periodicals beyond Hierarchies: …

    conference 2022.01.10. 14:19 - 02.28. 23:59
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