Endre Tót and the Central European Research Institute for Art History (KEMKI) established the TÓTalJOY prize for contemporary artists in 2021. The prize derives its name from Endre Tót’s conceptual program centred on the notion of joy, which was launched in the 1970s. His early joy pieces and the actions of the TÓTalJOY series are considered among the most important works representing the narrative of Eastern European conceptual art.
The TÓTalJOY Prize aims to provide financial and institutional support to Hungarian contemporary artists whose practice is research-oriented. Entries to the annually announced open call are expected from contemporary artists who are prepared to present art research-based project proposals with a view to implementation. In the judging process, preference is given to submissions that respond to changing cultural contexts and contemporary dilemmas.
KEMKI will provide curatorial and research consultation to the selected project and organize an exhibition to present it to the public.
The total budget of the prize is 10 000 euros, of which 6000 euros are the stipend of the artist and 4000 euros are for the realization of the project and the exhibition.
The winning proposal will be selected by an international jury.
In 2025 the jury is comprised of:
René Block (curator, Berlin)
Dávid Fehér (Director, KEMKI)
Yolanda Kaddu-Mulindwa (Director, Municipal Galleries Neukölln, Berlin)
Emese Kürti (Deputy Director for Research, KEMKI)
Daniel Muzyczuk (Interim Director, Muzeum Sztuki, Łódź)
Nóra Lukács (Curator, Berlin)
Berenika Partum (Curator, Berlin)
Zsolt Petrányi (Deputy Director for Research, SZM – MNG)